May 14
CommentsPatricia de Lille
Hello Pieter,
Thank you so much for launching RealSouthAfrica. By doing this you have shown your patriotism for South Africa and the continent and your faith that together we can find solutions to our problems. What we need in our fight against crime is a constructive, rather than destructive approach. Tourists create jobs and jobs create security. Security, in turn, will defeat crime. As with any nation, the vast majority of South Africans are law abiding citizens. Mobilising a majority against a criminal minority is not new to us. We have a cause behind which every South African can unite. This is a unique opportunity to bridge the divides in our society and you have shown yourself to be part of the solution. Thank you again!
Patricia de Lille
Prof Tommy du Plessis
Dagsê Pieter
Veels geluk met ‘n skitterende website ! Op ‘n beskeie manier poog ek ook om Suid Afrikaners, wat tans in die buiteland is en wil terugkeer Suid Afrika toe om ‘n besigheid te koop of te begin, van raad en advies te bedien. Het nou al twee werkswinkels in Londen gehou en die misdaadkwessie kom kort kort ter sprake. ‘n Website soos joune gaan onsettend baie help met die persepsies. Sê waar ek kan help.
Prof Tommy du Plessis
Direkteur Potchefstroom Besigheidskool
Helen Zille
You go Pieter, Thanks for giving a much more balanced picture of a great country.
We have huge challenges, but we have the talent and commitment to meet them.
Helen Zille
Mayor of Cape Town
Corné Krige
As a rugby player I had the privilege to travel to and visit many countries. The more I traveled the more I realized what an awesome country we live in. Yes we have crime, yes we have poverty and yes our nation was divided by the mistakes of the past. However I am extremely proud of how we are turning the misdemeanors of the past into massive positives for the future. I believe we are entering an exiting and prosperous future where people of all races, religions, cultures and languages will live and work together to make South Africa the strong nation that it deserves to be! I am an African!!
Corné Krige
Steve Hofmeyr
Hi Pieter
Congrats on a site that may just be the cure for that other South African epidemic of disproportionate scale: apathy. While I’m not anti-Watson (Crimexpo is also a much needed kick up the SA arse), I do need to confirm the goodwill and faith of most fellow South Africans. This I can not do there. I’m never in favour of talking when doing is possible. Let’s get it right.
Steve Hofmeyr
Corné Krige
As a rugby player I had the privilege to travel to and visit many countries. The more I traveled the more I realized what an awesome country we live in. Yes we have crime, yes we have poverty and yes our nation was divided by the mistakes of the past. However I am extremely proud of how we are turning the misdemeanors of the past into massive positives for the future. I believe we are entering an exiting and prosperous future where people of all races, religions, cultures and languages will live and work together to make South Africa the strong nation that it deserves to be! I am an African!!
Corné Krige
Steve Hofmeyr
Congrats on a site that may just be the cure for that other South African epidemic of disproportionate scale: apathy. While I’m not anti-Watson (Crimexpo is also a much needed kick up the SA arse), I do need to confirm the goodwill and faith of most fellow South Africans. This I can not do there. I’m never in favour of talking when doing is possible. Let’s get it right.
Steve Hofmeyr
Ambassador Jannie Momberg
Thank you for the wonderful initiative.
I have been South Africa’s ambassador to Greece for 5 years and our main job is to promote South Africa in a positive way That does not mean being blind for our faults and problems but to fairly put the whole picture
There are more than 60000 Greek South Africans in Greece many with family still living in South Africa. You can see how they miss SA and still want to speak Afrikaans.
Your website will mean a lot to these people and I will be circulating ( with your permission ) your web address to these South Africans.
Keep up the good work, Ambassador Jannie Momberg
Raymond Ackerman
Napoleon said “Leaders Deal in Hope”…
I know that there are many problems in our country, but just look at the atmosphere we have here, compared to ten years ago – look at the “hope” that we have!
We have a great future here and even though there is the Crime factor, we must stop leaning towards the Negative and focus on the Positive. I have 12 grandchildren and 4 children living in this country – we have the money to live somewhere else, but we believe in South Africa. We have “hope”, and we are not leaving.
Raymond Ackerman
Chairman Pick & Pay
Tony Leon MP
I agree with you about Mr Watson – both in terms of accepting his right to free speech but also in indicating how serious the consequences could be if we encourage job losses and further emigration.
I believe the fight against crime can be won by the forces of law and order and not by the criminals. But that is going to require us to change our priorities; to get much tougher in terms of enforcement, interdiction and conviction and to restore high levels of management to the policing service, to the courts and to the ministries concerned. In other words, an attitudinal change is required then, indeed, we will make South Africa – in your choice words – “the wonderful country it can become”.
Kind Regards,
Tony Leon MP
Leader Of The Official Opposition
The Democratic Alliance
Dr. Felicia M. Suttle
Thanks for all your efforts in assisting us in changing misperceptions about our country. It is a challenge but with committed South Africans like you, I have no doubt, we will win. Please do not hesitate to count on me, when it comes to making the world visit our beautiful country.
Dr. Felicia M. Suttle
President, South African Tourism USA
Robin Knox-Grant
I just want to add my comments of appreciation for the initiative you have taken. You seem to be one hell of a guy whose actions in launching the website, speak volumes in a very meaningful way. I congratulate you, and I salute you for getting off your butt and doing something practical and positive in an attempt to correct perceptions about South Africa.
I am not of your generation. I am old enough to be your grandfather. I but share with you as a fellow South African a deep love for this, the land of my birth. What I particularly like about the message of your website, is that you are not blind to the very serious problems we face – and I share with you the frustration at what we perceive to be the government’s unwillingness to take effective steps towards solving these problems – particular crime. I also share with you a deep and uncompromising love for this land and all its people – and I’m sure there are many hundreds of thousands of fellow South Africans both here and in other parts of the world who feel exactly the same way.
Once again Pieter, thank you, from a caring fellow South African.
Robin Knox-Grant
Ryk Neethling
“Altough I have twice been a victim of crime the past two months, I remain positive about the future of South Africa. Since moving back from the United States two years ago, I’ve been encouraged by what I’ve seen in the people. The problems are there, but I see it as a challenge for everyone to change. I’m still proudly South African!
Ryk Neethling
Sir Richard Branson
I have always enjoyed my time enormously and consider South Africa and its people as very special. I believe South Africa holds potential for great growth and development.
The Virgin Group and myself find South Africa an exiting and wonderful place to work in and visit.
Sir Richard Branson
Chairman of the Virgin group of companies
Riku Latti
For the last couple of years I have had the priviledge to represent my country as an Afrikaans South African musician on a world stage. And I was shocked to learn what a bad image South Africa has in the eyes of the rest of the world. It seems that since the abolishment of apartheid the international media lost interest in reporting the South African situation to the rest of the world. Hence people abroad still think of South Africa as pretty much the same country as twelve years ago.
While there is violence (which receives ample media attention) there are positive points in abundance that never receive any international media attention. I hope that your efforts will bring some of these to light.
Greetings and best wishes from another proud,
Riku Latti
Kudos vir jou Pieter! To run away is not going to solve our problem. To stand together and work together in finding the solution to our problem is what life is about. To the happy snuggers in the sterile Oz enjoy milking the Aussies now that you are no longer milking South Africa. Our crime problem is not yours so stop criticizing us. You abdicated by running away so let us be. Sterk staan Pieter daar is massas wat jou steun.
I am really delighted to see this website where people are starting to concentrate more on the positive than the negative things. I am an Afrikaans speaking man living in London currently but would like to head back to SA next year. Not all my friends agree that I should come back and last week a friend forwarded the Crime Expo website’s address to me. I spent a few minutes on the website and could feel the negativity building up in me. That is certainly not the way we are going to make any progress in SA.
Let’s stand together and make SA a better place. After all we don’t have to do it alone. We should be down on our knees more often.
This country belongs to all of her people. And now that we are going through a period of turmoil, SA needs us more than ever. Criminals will NOT succeed in taking away my land and my lifestyle without a “fight” from me. If crime is the main reason for people leaving, it is a shame and doesn’t show any commitment to make a difference. In many countries overseas we see hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating in the streets to get their governments to take action on various matters. In SA a couple of hundred people will rock up after days of advertising such events. We would rather sit at home and moan about the government and taxes we pay. I believe that many people use crime as an excuse to leave for other reasons and then use derogatory language to criticize Africa and her peoples. I then doubt their reasons. Good luck and well done on your website. We will overcome these problems.
Congratulations on at least trying to make a difference! We need more people like you.
If everybody tries to make a difference in preventing crime in their own little world, SA would be a safer place!
I agree with you. we need to find constructive ideas on how to deal with crime…
Constructive pressure on Government is needed though…
17-jarige seun van die Kaap
Hallo Oom
Die website: realsouthafrica.co.za is heelwat beter as crimexpo – Ek dink dit sal ‘n goeie idee wees om hom te vervang met realsouthafrica se ‘content’.
Ek gaan ook die naweek ‘n anti-neil watson website ‘launch’ met statistieke wat wys dat ons 20 000 moordsyfer glad nie op toeriste van toepassing is nie aangesien 82% van mense wat vermoor word hul moordenaar ken. Ek het ook navorsing gedoen oor wit moorde en tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit nie so erg is soos wat mense dink nie. Dit was in 2001 in die omgewing van 10-13 per 100 000. In 1990 was die wit moordsyfer 4.7 per 100 000 – 91% van die moordenaars was wit. Maar plaasmoorde is wel baie kommerwekkend – 313 per 100 000. Die land se gemiddeld is rondom 45.
Aangesien Neil Watson se veldtog op wit toeriste gemik is sal dit baie goed wees om die ware prentjie deur te gee – met bronne. Ek sal die website die naweek probeer klaarmaak, wat o.a. ook op van Neil Watson se artikels reageer. Ek sal vir Oom die ‘link’ aanstuur.
Ek is ‘n 17-jarige seun van die Kaap.
Rudi Kramp
Here are some of my viewpoints about Neil Watson’s famous (or notorious) crime website:
The government can also only do so much, about crime.
Some foreigners have said that places like New York and Russia also have bad crime rates. So I wonder where’re the websites showing that.
So many people here moan about local crime. Yet, many would do things like copy music and computer software, and use the workplace’s telelphone and photostat machine for personal reasons. That’s also the criminal way of thinking.
Other people would probably be reluctant to point out to Neil Watson websites promoting South Africa. That’s in case Neil tries to discredit them, or something.
Right-wingers – you know what they say, “If it looks like one, if it seems like one – it is one.”
Yours Truly,
Rudi Kramp
there is only one way out of this mess we must all stop paying income tax as the government is not delivering on their promises they wont have money to have body guards and will then feel the real effect of crime.all crimes should be punished by community service building houses or making bricks for houses this will give them a skill and keep them occupied there is no mischief when one is busy.politicians must wake up and earn their money but it is up to us to keep pressure on them at all times.
Hi Pieter
I’m an ordinary south african proffessional with 2 forster children who are my life. I come from a struggle background with my parents being actively involved in their communities (politics, church etc). My father spent 3 years and 2 years in prison (the first time in Robben Island), we had houses (2) burnt down at the height of political violence in the 80’s in KZN.
Through all our struggles with the system, my parents, my older sister (the 2 younger ones were too young) and I never lost the dream and hope that we will be free one day. This dream was realised with that one speech by De Klerk and from then on things started looking up for all of us (black and white). The rainbow nation was born and came of age in 94.
I leave a middle class existence with my 2 forster daughters in the Joburg Northen Suburbs, things are looking up. My childhood friend and business partner’s secure cluster house was broken into while she was sleeping with her 5 year old son also in the house. She was manhandled and sustained bruises. Her answer to this ordeal was not to pack for Perth or start a web site to badmouth South Africa. She realises that the problems cannot be solved that way. She installed burglar guards (she had thought that leaving in a secure complex and having armed response was enough) and she is determined that we build a bigger company to create jobs and help fight poverty.
We have a huge crime problem in this country, it is up to all of us to find a way of curbing this but I doubt that Neil Watson and his ilk will help us achieve this. We all need to do our bit to fight poverty and helplessness which breeds criminals. In my family (4 girls) there are 6 forster children (2 for me, 3 for my younger sister and 1 for my 15 yr old nephew who was 10 when he brought a friend with no place to stay home). I M lucky to have parents like mine, they taught the importance of country, God and community and to never stand back and think other people will solve my problems.
I applaud what you and your team are doing and I hope you realise that it is with people like you that we can make our very stunningly beautiful country thrive. If I can help in any way, please let me know how!!!!
Viva South Africa Viva.
Hi Pieter
Jou webblad is ‘n goeie teenvoeter vir Neil Watson s’n.Vandat sy webblad aanlyn gekom het,het ek daagliks die briewe en nuus gelees en al meer negatief geraak.Komende van iemand met ‘n geskiedenis van depressie en gelukkig genees daarvan,was dit nie ‘n goeie idee om gebombardeer te word met al “donker” nuus nie.
Ek woon ook oorsee en is heel gelukkig waar ek is,maar is ‘n Afrikaan in murg en bloed.Ek klassifiseer myself op die manier,want ons wat in Afrika woon is tog Afrikane,of nie.Maak nie saak watter kleur jou vel is nie.Ek is besig om reelings te tref om terug te keer na SA in volgende jaar en watter blye dag gaan dit nie wees nie.Net om weer op eie bodem te staan en die vars Afrika lug in te asem,is iets om na uit te sien.
Die inligting wat jy aanbied op jou blad is meer realisties en weerspieel die ware situasie.Ook hoe jy uitgewekenes aanspoor om terug te keer is ‘n stap in die regte rigting.Daar bestaan noual so baie webblaaie oor die goed en sleg van SA,dat dit moeilik is om kop te hou met wat is reg en wat is verkeerd.Maar joune is een wat ek sal aanskryf by my vriende.
Ek is van mening dat Neil Watson se webblad baie reaksie in die toekoms gaan verloor.Watter Suid-Afrikaner wat lief is vir sy land wil elke dag sy negatiewe kommentaar lees.Ons moet eerder dink aan hoe ons die probleem gaan oplos en nie die oorsaak van die probleem wees nie.
Ek is self die slagoffer van misdaad en is voor ek oorsee gaan woon het,een keer geroof met ‘n vuurwapen teen my kop,die boosdoener het die wapen gespan in my gesig en ek is hardhandig op die vloer gegooi en geskop..Nou moet jy weet watter ondervinding dit nie was nie.Na die episode het ek aan posttraumatiese stres gely en vir ‘n hele paar jaar behandeling ontvang.Nou is ek gelukkig oor die ergste.Om nie te praat van voertuie wat 2x gesteel is en een huisbraak nie.Maar dit is gering i.v.m ‘n gewapende roof.
Die misdaad was egter nooit die rede hoekom ek oorsee vertrek het nie,dit was ‘n finansiele besluit.In my hart is ek geweldig patrioties en sal nooit finaal my rug keer op my tuisland nie.Ek het ook aan my familie gese,dat ek eendag weer sal terugkom.En die tyd is nou reg daarvoor.
Baie sukses vir die toekoms,
Nice going dude, whoever you are 🙂
Crime is not the problem in this country but rather a fruit of the attitudes that people harbour. Some excuse it other turn a blind eye, others run away. The only way in which to solve this problem is not the government to take steps but for the people in this country to become united in its voice and attitude towards the criminal element. The power is with the people for they can expose criminals, lazy and corrupt police officers, and even vote another political party into power. It is time for each person to take account of his or her own life and to motivate others to stand united towards this common goal. let us take all those who oppose us to task with votes, shouts and even demonstrations if needs be so that we can create for our selves a lovely and peaceful country.
For your effort you should be commended, as you do more than the vast majority in our country.
Congratulations on at least trying to make a difference! We need more people like you.
If everybody tries to make a difference in preventing crime in their own little world, SA would be a safer place!
I applaud you effort to counter some of the negative publicity that Neil Watson has been generating.
Ek waardeer wat jy probeer doen. Ek dink dis van die uiterste belang dat Suid-Afrikaners ten alle koste hoop in die toekoms moet behou.
I agree with you. we need to find constructive ideas on how to deal with crime… Constructive pressure on Government is needed though…
Just want to add my 2 cents… firstly… love your site, and I agree with your point vs NW’s point. NW is creating more problems than what he is fixing.
Just a thought.
May I say as a fellow South African, well done!
Kind regards,
Hi Pieter,
I couldn’t agree more with your statements! South Africans need to be more positive and upbeat about an amazing country. Mr Watson does have a point by highlighting the crime problem in South Africa, but by no means does he have the right to rubbish such a beautiful country and drive away tourist, those that bring in much valuable foreign currency into the country.
As a South African living abroad (not ex-pat) I am saddened by those who continually run the country down and paint such a bad image of South Africa. Often this is done by those ex-pats, who for reasons out of their control can no longer return to SA, so instead are bitter, and would rather make up for the situation by displaying SA negatively.
Don’t get me wrong, I am more than aware of the crime problem in South Africa, having had car stolen/mugging/house broken into. However, every country has it’s own problems, it just seems to be that South African’s like to broadcast this globally, for what reason I do not know? I’m presently living in the UK, and on a daily basis there is reports of murder/robbery/assault on all forms of media, but this doesn’t seem to ever get outside of the UK. I’ve had several friends and family visits and they are often shocked at the level of crime in this “1st World Country”, many often feeling safer being back in South Africa!!!!!
As for Mr. Watson, there are enough negative South African, a web site is not required. South Africa needs more positive sites like your own.
Positive = Growth = Positive Job Creation = Positive Economy = Positive South Africa.
Please feel free to add your own comment below.